Born on Youtube thanks to his vlogs and covers, South African-born UFO Troye Sivan, author, composer and actor, will be making his first festival appearance in France at WE LOVE GREEN. From a first DIY EP recorded on Garageband, to his latest album “Something to give each other” released in July 2023, prodigy Troye Sivan delivers powerful alternative pop, often tackling themes such as identity, youth, love and self-acceptance. With 22 billion streams, fashion collabs, catwalk appearances, major roles in Hollywood films such as Boy Erased and The Idol, and over 20 million fans on social networks – that’s Troye Sivan. Called the “perfect pop star” by TIME magazine, he has firmly established himself as a global icon in the world of pop music, fashion and LGBTQI+ representation.

“Troye Sivan makes us want to snog the world” – Konbini

“THE sensation of the Australian music scene” – Quotidien

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